Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Things

Part of the reason for the silence on this blog is that it's been a very busy spring for me. I've got three new drafts to announce, each of which I played at least some role in:
  • Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism, Joshua Dunfield and Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami.
    Bidirectional typechecking, in which terms either synthesize a type or are checked against a known type, has become popular for its scalability (unlike Damas-Milner type inference, bidirectional typing remains decidable even for very expressive type systems), its error reporting, and its relative ease of implementation. Following design principles from proof theory, bidirectional typing can be applied to many type constructs. The principles underlying a bidirectional approach to polymorphism, however, are less obvious. We give a declarative, bidirectional account of higher-rank polymorphism, grounded in proof theory; this calculus enjoys many properties such as η-reduction and predictability of annotations. We give an algorithm for implementing the declarative system; our algorithm is remarkably simple and well-behaved, despite being both sound and complete.

    In this paper, we show how to extend bidirectional typechecking to support higher-rank polymorphism. Bidirectional typechecking is attractive in part because it is very easy to implement, and happily our extension remains simple -- it turns out the fanciest data structure you need to support higher-rank polymorphism is an ordered list!

  • Mtac: A Monad for Typed Tactic Programming in Coq, Beta Ziliani, Derek Dreyer, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, Aleksandar Nanevski, Viktor Vafeiadis.

    Effective support for custom proof automation is essential for large-scale interactive proof development. However, existing languages for automation via tactics either (a) provide no way to specify the behavior of tactics within the base logic of the accompanying theorem prover, or (b) rely on advanced type-theoretic machinery that is not easily integrated into established theorem provers.

    We present Mtac, a lightweight but powerful extension to Coq that supports dependently-typed tactic programming. Mtac tactics have access to all the features of ordinary Coq programming, as well as a new set of typed tactical primitives. We avoid the need to touch the trusted kernel typechecker of Coq by encapsulating uses of these new tactical primitives in a monad, and instrumenting Coq so that it executes monadic tactics during type inference.

    You can find the software at the Mtac web page.

    Since I wasn't the lead author, I see no need to be modest: this is really, really, good. The power-to-weight ratio of this approach to tactics is incredibly high, and I seriously think that every dependently typed language implementor ought to consider adding something like Mtac to their system.

  • Higher-Order Reactive Programming without Spacetime Leaks, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami.

    Functional reactive programming (FRP) is an elegant approach to declaratively specify reactive systems. However, the powerful abstractions of FRP have historically made it difficult to predict and control the resource usage of programs written in this style.

    In this paper, we give a new language for higher-order reactive programming. This language generalizes and simplifies prior type systems for reactive programming, supporting the use of first-class streams, such as streams of streams; first-class functions and higher-order operations; and permits encoding many temporal operations beyond streams, such as terminatable streams, events, and even resumptions with first-class schedulers. Furthermore, our language supports an efficient implementation strategy permitting us to eagerly deallocate old values and statically rule out spacetime leaks, a notorious source of inefficiency in reactive programs. Furthermore, these memory guarantees are achieved without the use of a complex substructural type discipline.

    We also show that our implementation strategy of eager deallocation is safe, by showing the soundness of our type system with a novel step-indexed Kripke logical relation.

    You can download an almost completely undocumented implementation to play with this kind of FRP language. It's also good if you want to see what a language with linear types looks like. Also, I use the type inference algorithm described in the first draft. This doesn't have dependent types (yet?), so no Mtac, though. :)


  1. The link to the "simple FRP" paper is broken.

  2. This is all super exciting, Neel!

  3. Thanks, Chris! I'm hoping that something in this set will get me back over the ocean to say hi. :)
